Faith is a word that holds significant weight in the Christian community. It's often spoken about, sung about, and written about, and for good reason. As Christians, we are called to live by faith, but how well do we understand it? I've touched on the difference between hope and faith in an earlier post, but today I want to dive a bit deeper into the concept of faith and what it truly means for us.
"Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen." — Hebrews 11:1
This verse paints faith as both a solid foundation and a proof of things yet unseen. In other words, faith isn’t just wishful thinking; it is an active belief in the unseen realities of God’s promises, despite not always having immediate evidence to show for it. Faith stands firm in the midst of uncertainty.
"If you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, 'Move from here to there,' and it will move. Nothing will be impossible for you."
What an incredible promise! The idea that even a small amount of faith could move mountains is both inspiring and overwhelming. It makes us wonder: If we had just a little more faith, would we be able to do more? Would we experience the miraculous more often?
But let’s pause for a moment and ask: How much have we truly understood about faith?
Even if our faith is as small as a mustard seed, Jesus said nothing would be impossible for us. But here’s where it gets interesting: What if moving that mountain isn’t aligned with God’s will? Can we still move that mountain, or is faith dependent on God’s purpose and timing?
This brings us to an important point: *Faith does not work in a vacuum.* It is not a magic formula that forces God's will to conform to our desires. Faith is always meant to be exercised within the will of God. We cannot simply will things into existence on our own. The mountains we are trying to move must be in line with God’s greater plan for our lives.
"Wherefore be ye not unwise, but understanding what the will of the Lord is."
This verse emphasizes the importance of not only having faith but also having wisdom in understanding God’s will. Faith and wisdom go hand in hand. Without understanding God's will, our faith can become misguided or misdirected. It’s not enough just to believe; we must also seek God’s guidance and ensure that our desires align with His purpose for us.
So, if faith doesn’t work outside of God’s will, does God’s will work without faith?
This is a fascinating question. It reminds us that God's plans are not contingent on our understanding or our ability to believe. His will is perfect and will come to pass regardless of our actions or doubts. However, our faith opens the door for us to partner with God in His work. Faith doesn't change God's plans, but it allows us to participate in them. It's a two-way street: God's will is the road, and our faith is the vehicle that takes us down it.
Ultimately, faith is not about making God bend to our will. It’s about trusting that God’s will is always the best thing for us, even if it means facing challenges or waiting longer than we might want. True faith rests in knowing that God is good, His plans are good, and He works all things for the good of those who love Him.
As you reflect on your faith journey, ask yourself: How much faith do I have? Is it enough to trust God when things don't go the way I expect? Is my faith grounded in His will, or am I trying to make things happen on my terms?
Faith is a journey, one that grows as we continue to walk with God, trust in His promises, and seek to understand His will. So, let’s keep moving forward in faith, knowing that nothing is impossible with God, especially when our faith is aligned with His purpose for our lives.