Can a woman fall inlove with a gay man?

There are countless theories about homosexuality, and the question of how a person becomes gay remains a topic of ongoing debate. Some individuals who claim to have changed their sexual orientation believe transformation is possible, while others insist that it is not.

Many gay individuals enter into heterosexual marriages—some openly acknowledging their sexuality before marriage, while others come to terms with it later in life, sometimes even within the marriage itself. This raises complex questions about love, attraction, and relationships.

One intriguing question is whether it is truly possible for a woman to fall in love with and feel physically attracted to an effeminate gay man. While romantic connections can take many forms, societal norms and personal experiences often shape our understanding of attraction.

So, what are the chances of an effeminate gay man finding genuine love and companionship with a woman? Is love purely about chemistry, or can emotional bonds override physical attraction? I’d love to hear your thoughts and perspectives on this!


  1. Hey Dan -

    It's great when anyone thinks about this stuff, but I think your
    message highlights one of the things that bother me the most.
    Straight people talk about it this way, gay people talk about it this
    way, and now we're going to talk about it in another light...

    You ask if a straight person can fall in love with a person of the
    opposite sex, even if the other person is gay. A similar question
    would be "Will the sun rise tomorrow, even if there are clouds in the
    sky." For one, of course it will (and of course a straight person
    could). The clouds do not affect how the sun operates, and
    similarly, a person simply being gay does not directly affect how
    someone else develops feelings or attractions towards them.
    While "Mary" may not see the sun rise from her perspective (and
    similarly she may not be attracted to a gay person from her
    perspective), that does not mean that another person 2 miles down the
    road will miss the morning rays. The skies will look different to
    every one, and their attractions will be different from Mary's,
    especially if they are not aware that the person they are attracted
    to is gay.

    It's like saying that a straight woman couldn't possibly be attracted
    to a gay man --- the insinuation there is that all straight women
    have the same feelings, and all gay men act in a way that clearly
    indicates they are gay. It completely ignores the fact that people
    are attracted to people based on many individualistic qualities, and
    it assumes that all gay men are flamers (for a lack of better
    words). Being a homosexual is a scientific term... all it means is
    that a person is attracted to other people of the same gender (note
    that it does not say this attraction is apparent to others). It says
    nothing about who's attracted to them. It also says nothing about
    that person's personality, behaviors, hair color, shoe size, Pogo
    score, or anything else! "Being gay" is only slightly more defining
    of a person's identity that "being human" in the grand scheme of

    It could easily be said that a gay person is more likely to kiss a
    person of the same gender. It would, however, be slippery logic to
    say that "if you're gay then you kiss people of the same gender" as a
    sweeping statement. An overwhelming percentage of gay people
    probably do kiss people of the same gender, but just how unfair would
    it be to you if you were a gay person who didn't kiss people of the
    same gender? After all, being gay doesn't mean you have to kiss
    people of the same gender. Wouldn't it make you mad that some doofus
    clumped you into a group you don't belong in simply because you are
    in another completely independent group, especially if instead of it
    being "kissing," it became "sleeping around with"? It can quickly
    become just as offensive and ignorant as saying "If you're black than
    you steal cars and eat at KFC." In America, this statement would be
    considered comical because it's so absurdly stereotypical, and the
    public at large acknowledges its absurdity. Unfortunatly, when it
    comes to statements of gay people being effeminate hairdressers,
    moody "queens," and promiscious bar hops, some parts of the public do
    not scoff at it as absurd, but rather take stock in it as reality.
    This is changing, as the light of truth always prevails.

    The gay stereotype is simply a flawed perception -- for example, what
    if "Mary" couldn't tell a person was gay because they were simply an
    average normal "Joe" just going about his business? Joe wouldn't fit
    into Mary's perspective of "gay" because he never fit one of her
    preconceived notions of what a gay guy was supposed to be. Joe is
    acting in one of billions of ways that gay people can act, and there
    are lots of "Joe's" out there. Meanwhile, all the extreme cases of
    stereotypical gay behaviors are going into Mary's awareness because
    they fit her "gay person behavior rules." Unfortunatly, Joe is gay --
    he knows it, but Mary does not, thus Joe can't expand Mary's notion
    of what a gay person truly is because she has closed her mind to it.

    Again, I point this out because you seem interested to think about
    it, and I hope this shines a little light on the topic and sparks
    some discussion.

    De-personalizing an individual with sweeping assumptions, regardless
    of what grouping they may belong to, is a guaranteed ticket to not
    understanding them for who they truly are. If I said "I have WalMart
    cookies," that tells you very little. WalMart has chocolate cookies,
    chewy cookies, crunchy cookies. Saying WalMart cookies are queerer
    than Kmart cookies is also moronic. In fact, WalMart sells some of
    the same brands of cookies as Kmart. Similarly, gay people (WalMart)
    can have the same similarities (brands) as straight people (Kmart).
    Get the point? Plus, in the end, regardless of which store we
    belonged to in life, we are all cookies that came from the same
    factory and are loved by our Creator.


  2. Yehey Mike!!! Great Post!!! hahahahaha.. couldn't have argued better...

  3. hello??uhm my name is justine frm phill uhm,,,,i would like to ask is there a posibilty that the guy felt inlove with gayS??

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