Starting Over

“Starting over” is pleasant to hear when everything is in shambles. We want to start over because we think we can do better the second time.

My mother is a tailor. She preferred to be called that way because she is good in men’s clothing than that of women’s. My father was also a tailor. So, the sewing machine is the first mechanical equipment I laid my hands on.

My parents did not want us to learn sewing. They would not even allow us to use the sewing machine. They believe that sewing would not give what they wanted for us, a better life.

But, I was too stubborn to follow orders just so I could satisfy my craving to learn the intricacies of sewing. I prefer to call it persistence, not stubbornness, paid off well because I learned how to sew.

Learning how to sew wasn’t all fun. More often it is painfully tiresome, irritating and patience killer. Every time a mistake is committed, I had to remove the stitches carefully without destroying the cloth or leaving a trace that a needle threaded over it.

Life is more than that. Starting over is not as easy as I thought. Cleaning up the mess is an excruciating death to self. You have to die to have a new life
I tell you the truth, unless a kernel of wheat falls to the ground and dies, it remains only a single seed. But if it dies, it produces many seeds. - John 12:24
Because when you die, you do not have submit to the old rules anymore.
Since you died with Christ to the basic principles of this world, why, as though you still belonged to it, do you submit to its rules - Colossians 2:20
Living a better life is a choice. Starting a new life is an everyday opportunity one can have. It is free and so is the painful process that comes with it. You have to die.
Precious in the sight of the LORD is the death of his saints. - Psalm 116:15
But you shall live.
It is a faithful saying: For if we be dead with him, we shall also live with him - 2Timothy 2:11
A better life.
For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. - Jeremiah 29:11


  1. wow... Jer29:11 its my first memory verse and it means a lot to me. it gave me hope during those seemingly unending days of hardship. thanks to the LORd for He is faithful and true to His promises.

  2. you must be a patient guy!I didnt even bother to take a single needle in my life yeah except syringes since I extract blood from work hehe

  3. @eli, Jer29:11 is one of the verses i am holding on to.

    @Mac Callister, some people told me that i am, but i think it depends upon something to be patient about.

  4. how do you define "better life"?

  5. I believe that one can never encapsulate the definition of a better life. It can be as shallow as living a life better than one's current situation and as deep as life in Jesus.

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