Don't Waste Your Time Worrying About The Future

Imagine two whole eggs sitting on the kitchen counter, wide-eyed and worried. They glance over at the sizzling pan, watching their fellow eggs being cracked, whisked, and scrambled. One egg whispers to the other, "What if that happens to us? What if we get tossed into that pan and turned into breakfast?" The other egg gulps, "I can't stop thinking about it!"

Meanwhile, the cook, oblivious to their distress, has already decided to put them back in the fridge for another day. All that worry, and for what?

In life, we often act like those eggs. We look ahead with fear, imagining worst-case scenarios that may never happen. We let our minds scramble with worry about things beyond our control. But Jesus reminds us in Matthew 6:34, “Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.”

The Trap of Worrying About Tomorrow

Worry is a thief. It steals your peace, drains your energy, and clouds your vision. When you spend today worrying about tomorrow, you miss the beauty, blessings, and opportunities that are right in front of you.

Think about it: has worrying about something ever changed the outcome? More often than not, the things we fear either never happen or turn out far better than we expected. Yet, we still allow worry to grip us, paralyzing us from taking meaningful action.

Choosing Trust Over Fear

Jesus calls us to trust rather than worry. When we place our future in God’s hands, we shift our focus from fear to faith. Instead of spending our time consumed by "what ifs," we can invest our energy into what truly matters: growth, service, and making a difference in the lives of others.

This doesn’t mean we should neglect planning or responsibility. Instead, it means acknowledging that, beyond our best efforts, there is a limit to what we can control. God, in His infinite wisdom and grace, holds the rest. And that should give us peace.

Living Fully in the Present

One of the greatest gifts God has given us is today. Each morning, we are given a fresh start, a new opportunity to walk in faith, to love, to serve, and to grow. But when we allow worry to dominate our thoughts, we forfeit the joy of the present moment.

When we live with trust, we experience the peace that comes from knowing we are exactly where God wants us to be. His grace is sufficient for today, and His plans for tomorrow are already in motion.

Rest in God’s Hands

Like the two worried eggs, we often fear what lies ahead. But unlike them, we have a choice—we can either let worry consume us, or we can rest in the assurance that God is in control.

So, the next time your mind starts scrambling with worry, take a deep breath, pray, and remember Jesus’ words: “Do not worry about tomorrow.” Today is a gift—embrace it with faith and courage, knowing that God’s hands are strong enough to hold both your present and your future.


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