Almost every Christian give thanks or pray before meals. Family members usually take turns. In church gatherings, it is usually led by the pastor or one of the elders. In our house, it is me most of the time.
How many times have i prayed before meals? Even if we take turns, there are five (5) of us and two (2) meals everyday that we are all together (breakfast and dinner), that is 146 prayers for each of us in a year. How many years have we been doing that?
I am not complaining about praying. I just noticed that my prayers before meals become predictable already. God doesn't have to be all-knowing to know what I am going to say next. I guess i have used up all the words and styles. Sometimes, I listen to others' prayers and find words that I haven't used yet and copy it :)
I am writing this because I was reminded of this verse in the Bible, "But when ye pray, use not vain repetitions, as the heathen do: for they think that they shall be heard for their much speaking" (Matthew 6:7 King James Version). I don't feel guilty anyway. I just thought that maybe a simple "Lord, thank you for this food." is enough.
How many times have i prayed before meals? Even if we take turns, there are five (5) of us and two (2) meals everyday that we are all together (breakfast and dinner), that is 146 prayers for each of us in a year. How many years have we been doing that?
I am not complaining about praying. I just noticed that my prayers before meals become predictable already. God doesn't have to be all-knowing to know what I am going to say next. I guess i have used up all the words and styles. Sometimes, I listen to others' prayers and find words that I haven't used yet and copy it :)
I am writing this because I was reminded of this verse in the Bible, "But when ye pray, use not vain repetitions, as the heathen do: for they think that they shall be heard for their much speaking" (Matthew 6:7 King James Version). I don't feel guilty anyway. I just thought that maybe a simple "Lord, thank you for this food." is enough.